Most Important Industrial Safety Meeting Topics

employee safety training

Many industrial companies have a special department that educates employees on industrial safety topics designed to reduce accidents. However, some important safety topics can easily be overlooked.

Some important safety meeting topics include:

a.       Dangers regarding falling/flying objects.

b.       Indicating danger/hazardous zones by neon color strips and signs.

c.       Chemical safety.

d.       Equipment safety.

e.       What to do in an emergency situation.

slip hazards in the work placeOne of the most important industrial safety topics

are regarding slips and dangers, associated with falling.

The safety management staff needs to reinforce the need for awareness and to place “wet floor” signs in areas that have just been mopped, and also to put a chair (or other object) over a recent spill, until it can be properly cleaned.

In addition, area rugs and carpets, that have frayed endings, must be tended to, and extension cords that are across high traffic areas should be secured, to avoid trips and falls.

Also, proper footwear should be worn. Quality rubber-soled shoes or boots should be worn in an industrial environment to prevent slips and falls.

Proper Safety Management Suggestions

Don’t underestimate the importance of using handrails; they are there for your safety.

Overhead dangers are also a topic that needs to be addressed by the safety management team. There are some simple procedures to follow to avoid these types of dangers, and they include never piling heavy or unstable items on high shelves.

Also, duck before entering warehouse vehicles (such as forklifts) and when entering tunnels or crawl spaces. In addition, be aware of pipes and sprinklers that may be hanging overhead.

workplace fire hazardsFire hazards may be a topic that is not addressed as frequently as it should be. Fires can easily start due to carelessness. These deadly hazards can be avoided by following fire safety precautions. Some of the more common fire safety measures include, but not limited to:



1) Proper storage of flammable liquids (such as gasoline).

2) Extinguish cigarettes in only approved receptacles.

3) Keep electrical equipment and open flames away from combustible materials.

4) Oily rags should be disposed of properly (in a plastic bag or metal container), never in a community trash can.

5) Gas values should be turned off.

6) Cardboard material and wooden pallets should never be stacked next to a building.

6) Power strips should never be overloaded, and only new electrical cords should be utilized, as frayed wiring is a fire hazard.

7) Don’t stack objects that would block sprinklers or fire alarms.

8) Industrial safety measures are in place to keep everyone safe during the work day. For this reason, proper machine specific safety training is also very important.

employee safety trainingWhen you formally train and educate employees in all areas of safety in the workplace, you are ensuring the longevity of your company and reducing costs associated with workmen’s compensation and down time.


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